Jewellery gifts that work

Are you looking for jewellery gifts with meaning – jewellery gifts that work . . or indeed, jewellery that works for you? Why?

Please visit our shop  to see examples ( or our Jewellery with Meaning  page ) for more details

What is it that you want? What would you like . . personally?

Love?  Friendship?  Money?  Health?  Protection?
Hope?  Peace?  Prosperity?  Faith?   Good Fortune?
Courage?  Trust?  Strength?  Luck?  Belief?
. . or for a Dream to come true?

Jewellery that works for affection
Jet Azabache St James Camino cross
Jewellery that works from the Camino of St James
Jewellery that works for Peace
Clover jewellery for luck
Clover jewellery for luck that works
Symbols that works for caring

Or perhaps you want to offer a friend / loved-one:

Support?  Appreciation?  Encouragement?  Affection? 
Love?  Thanks?  Caring?  Congratulations?  Courage?

Well – we have just the thing for you: 

Jewellery gifts with meaning, jewellery gifts that work – or, indeed, jewellery that works to make you feel good . . and it is all available in our shop online 

All of our jewellery, gifts, symbols and gemstones are recognised in one part of the world or another as symbols with special faith-giving and inspirational properties: It is jewellery to inspire, jewelry to encourage, strengthen and motivate; jewellery that people have put their faith in for centuries and longer.

For example, the Cruz de Santiago – the Cross of St James, and the associated Vieira scallop shell symbol of the Camino de Santiago – the Way of Saint James; Or gemstone jewellery like Azabache Jet, and charms and charmstones like Moonstone, Aquamarine and Coral; Or, Rose Quartz for love, Aventurine for luck, Amethyst for success, Carnelian for vitality, Citrine for joy, Coral for tranquility and calm, Garnet for passion, Jade for strength and longevity, Tigers Eye for vision, and Pearl which is said to symbolise the best within us: Honesty, Purity, Wisdom and Integrity. The jewellery in our shop has centuries of history behind it, jewellery pieces with real meaning and real effectiveness . . it is jewellery that works 🙂

As Tennessee Williams said: “There’s real power in a thought made positive by a lucky charm”. Charms and charm jewellery really can make dreams come true.

Many of our jewellery pieces feature the lucky Indalo of our part of Mediterranean Spain (and other Spanish amulets like the Cross of St James), in addition to talismans and inspirational jewellery from all over the world: Tau Crosses from Assisi, Italy, Shamballa bracelets from Tibet, Butterfly charms from America, Azabache Jet from Asturias; plus, Heart-Lock-Key charms, lucky Horseshoes, Charm Words, Love Hearts, St. Christopher jewellery, Conchas de La Vieira de Santiago, Friendship Tokens, Guardian Angels, Baby Blessings, Faith tokens, Crosses of Grace, Thinking of You mementos, Wise and Protective Owls, Thank-You keepsakes, New Beginnings tokens, Love favours, Travel blessings, Carpe Diem discs, Yin-Yang charm jewellery, guardian Virgencitas from Spain, Dream tokens, and many other pieces of jewellery with meaning, jewellery gifts that work . . jewellery that works  

SEE our CENTRAL (Group) shop  for our Jewellery with Meaning  page